dna strand


Paternity Test

What is Paternity Testing (Parentage Test)?

Paternity Testing is done to find out whether the alleged father is indeed the biological father of a child. This test can be carried out at any stage of the child’s life from their early stages in the mother’s womb (in utero) to their later stages in life. For the later stages in their life, a sample of their DNA is required, which can be taken from either their blood or from the cotton swab that is used in the mouth. However, when a baby’s father is to be determined while the child is still in the mother’s womb, a sample of the amniotic fluid must be taken, since it is impossible to take blood from the baby fetus.

As with most invasive procedures, prenatal paternity carries a high risk of infection.

Paternity Testing relies heavily on the above mentioned term of Genetic Profiling, as the child’s DNA has to be matched to the DNA profile of the alleged biological father.

If the alleged father’s DNA does not match the DNA Profile of the child, he is then excluded as the biological father. However is the DNA Profile of the father matches that of the child, he is NOT excluded as father.

Accuracy of Paternity Testing

Relating back to the statement made about the exclusion of the father, if a man is NOT excluded as the father, then there is a likelihood or probability that he is the father of the alleged child. In this case the probability is always greater than 99.5%, there is however, no chance of proving that the child is 100% that of the alleged father, but the fact still remains that no matter how remote the connection, there may be someone else in the world may have DNA that matches the child. In other words the possibility of the DNA of a relative of the biological father is much higher than any other random man.

The National Association of Testing Australia (NATA) provides that for the exclusion of a person, the probability must be greater than 99.5%

Our testing provides a 99.8% of probability of exclusion.

Who needs to be present for the Paternity Testing?

A DNA sample from the mother, the child and the alleged father need to be submitted for testing. The mother need not be present, but the results of the test may be less accurate, or less informative than if the mother was present. In the absence of the mother, 10 tests are used instead of the standard 8, and the probability of exclusion is reduced to 99.6%.

Why Should I use DNA Testing?

The reason that most people decide to take DNA tests are to prove that a genetic relationship exists between individuals.

There are a number of reasons as to why DNA testing is carried out:

Security and Confidentiality

In accordance to the Family Law Act 1975 Regulation (Amendments 1996), specimens are collected in reliance. These include:

Your genes, your blueprint

Anybody can do anything that he imagines. - Henry Ford