dna strand



What is DNA?

DNA, DeoxyriboNucleic Acid, is the unique genetic blueprint that outlines the characteristic that we should possess. These characteristics are drawn from both the mother (the egg) and the father (the sperm).

DNA determines almost everything about you, beginning from your eye color, height and stretching to your receptivity to diseases.

DNA is tightly wound into pieces of thread – like structures called Chromosomes. These chromosomes are found in every part of the body.

Altogether, human beings have 46 paired chromosomes, any more or any less will likely result in genetic mutations:

Half of these Chromosomes are inherited from the mother, and the other half is inherited from the father.

What is a Genetic Profile?

There are certain areas of the DNA that are unique, and differentiate between people. And in this certain area, humans possess two genetic types that are known as Alleles, each one is inherited from parents, one from the Mother and one from the Father.

Thus by observing a number of these variables in these areas, a Genetic Profile is created.

Thereby, comparing the child’s DNA to that of the Mother’s, we are able to see which half of the child’s DNA was inherited from the Mothers Side. Then from there, the Fathers DNA is compared to the child’s DNA, to see whether he is excluded from being the father or he is not excluded as the father.

Advantages of the Genetic Profile

• Taking into consideration that the DNA is considerably small, the DNA tests are extremely sensitive.
• DNA is resilient and can be used after being contaminated with various substances, chemicals and bacterium.
• DNA can be applied to any human substance that contains cells with nuclei such as saliva, urine, semen and hair.

Your genes, your blueprint

Anybody can do anything that he imagines. - Henry Ford