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Genetic Disease

Ever wondered why some babies are born with defects and abnormalities such as Congenital Heart Disease and other diseases? Research reveals that all throughout the world an enormous percentage of children are born with genetic defects or diseases.

So what is Genetic Disease and why do some children inherit it?

The storehouse and carrier of genetic information, including set of chromosomes and genes, Genome plays an important role in the transmission of hereditary information from one generation to the other. Any defect or disorder in the mutation in DNA of one gene or a gross defect in entire set of chromosomes in Genome leads to genetic diseases, which can vary from minor to major genetic defects or diseases.

Thus, Genetic Diseases are those diseases which are inherited or present from birth due to defects in genes. Research shows that there are usually four different types of Genetic Diseases. They include

While single cell anemia and Huntington’s disease belong to the category of Single Gene Inheritance Genetic Disease, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, and others are examples of Multifactorial Inheritance Genetic Disease.

Terrible diseases such as epilepsy and Down syndrome, among others are examples of Mitochondrial Genetic Disease and Chromosomal Genetic Disease.

The main risk factors which are believed to increase the chances of Genetic Diseases include

Although Genetic Diseases are present from birth due to genetic defects or abnormalities, they are not contagious.

Highly dangerous, Genetic Diseases should be identified, diagnosed, and treated from the very start of their occurrence in individuals. Proper treatment of Genetic Diseases can help individuals, children and grown-ups to prevent and take care of such diseases successfully.


Your genes, your blueprint

Anybody can do anything that he imagines. - Henry Ford